Thursday 21 May 2009

stand out in the global car boot environment

Listened with interest to the Radio 4 Woman's Hour programme this morning and was delighted to hear LG Rich and Heather from Wiggly Wig Worm company describing their principles for creating 
on-line success.
They support the central principle of Romancing the Customer and why this creates success and bliss for the communities we serve – connect with people through being authentic and more human, understand the market before you wade in with 'wham, bang, thank you ma’am' selling and finally the dare to be different to get noticed – using the right words, creating great visuals, free from cliche and give people the information they’re looking for. Especially on-line …..the global car boot LG Rich described (see Initial Lust chapter 6 on websites).
It was encouraging to hear other successful business women discussing the need to cut through the corporate thinking and instead focus on the needs of people looking for what you are passionate and knowledgable about. Give inspired expertise and give it willingly, and everyone benefits.And do so with genuine charm and humour - this is far more compelling than boring corporate speak that serves as an ego stroke to anyone but the customer. 

Keep shining!


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